Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fourth of July

Shortly after we got home, the kiddo headed off to embark on the summer's camp counselor endeavor, so Chad and I had a bit of time to ourselves.

On the evening of the Fourth of July, we wanted to do something, but neither of us was in the mood to deal with the traffic and crowds associated with the normal events, so I looked at a map and tried to be creative.  We thought about riding up a hill and watching fireworks across the bay from above, but had a hard time picking a good potential vantage point that would have a clear, unobstructed view from not too high up that would also be legal (parks and preserves all close at sunset). I did, however, notice that there was a stretch of the Bay Trail that didn't have any time-of-day restrictions on use, and remembered a handy bench.  We loaded up our bikes with some snacks and went out to watch the sunset.

This turned out to be an excellent place to hang out -- there good views across the bay and lots of bird activity to watch, and we had the place to ourselves.  Hard to believe on a holiday.

Once it got dark, we could watch fireworks shows in the distance all along the edge of the Bay.  We could see fireworks all the way up to Oakland along the East Bay, around the entire South Bay, and up to Redwood City or so along the Peninsula.  We were reasonably close to Shoreline, so got a good view of their show.

It was hard to casually photograph, but there was a good moon too.

All in all, an enjoyable evening.  We heard from the kid later that small child management duty in the woods precluded any counselors from seeing fireworks from camp, though they could definitely hear them.

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