Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 8 of our captivity: Working from home

This morning at our house sees us settling into our new "normal".  After we went out for a walk, Chad settled in to his work set-up in the living room with headphones on, to try to get some actual work done.  Kean is on what is probably the best computer in the house in the kid room, with headphones on.  Perhaps the kiddo is logged into the school system working on homework; perhaps art is being done instead.  Either way, the rule is "no youtube or video games until school hours are over".  I am in the office, again with headphones on, getting ready to work on our taxes, after having made a quick run to Target to pick up the order of essentials I put in last night.   They cleverly have set up their system such that one doesn't have to touch anything other than one's own bag of stuff.

Incidentally, those of you who enjoy good choral music might enjoy what I am currently listening to -- a "virtual concert" put together by a Stanford alum who I know from Early Music Singers.  Eric Tuan conducts several small groups around the Bay Area; this one is the Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir.  He cobbled together video of final rehearsals for a concert they had to cancel; I'm just running the audio in the background while working on other things.  It's worth a listen.

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