Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day 52 of our captivity: Dodging bunnies

Chad had an all-day telecon today, starting at 8:30 am....East Coast time.  That’s a very painful 5:30 am here.  Ouch.  Technically, I didn’t have to get up, but the reality is that if my sleep is disturbed at that point of the morning, I am just awake.  After rolling around for a bit, I gave up and got up.

That gave me the opportunity to go mountain biking, though, figuring that the parks might not be crowded.  Riding from home, I left the house at sunrise and hit the trails at Fremont Older at 6:45 am.  

It was surprisingly busy at the entrance for that hour.  I clearly was not the only one with the “go early to avoid people” strategy.  Fortunately, once past the initial entrance trail, things were pretty empty, and I got to dodge bunnies in the early morning sunshine (bunnies hide once people start showing up, but the first few people down a given trail in the morning see many, many bunnies darting across the trail, seemingly trying to get runned over).  So I wasn’t too late, though a half hour earlier would have been even better.  I went out an obscure back gate to avoid congestion at the end of the ride, and made it home by 8:30 for breakfast.

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