Wednesday, December 30, 2020

New (to me) levee trail

 Here's a small break from the vacation posts, as I took a bike ride yesterday that turned out to be more interesting than I expected.

It was gorgeous out, but I was feeling lazy — so no hills. Let’s head out to the edge of the Bay. Out near the Dumbarton bridge there were people walking along a levee that I didn't know about. It didn't look to terribly muddy, despite the previous day's rain, so naturally the levee needed to be explored.

Gorgeous! It's always fun to look at familiar surroundings from a new vantage point.

The levee eventually dumped me out on 84, which looked a little dicey traffic-wise, until I realized I could follow some bike tracks about 200 yards through the mud and end up on the shoreline trail that goes behind Facebook. It was oddly empty back there, as everyone is working from home, so I had that trail to myself.  Exploring new-to-me connections is always fun!

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