Sunday, December 6, 2020

Random rest of the summer

 Looking at the rest of the pictures from the summer, it appears that we ate a lot.

Butterflied chicken on the grill, cooked sandwiched between two hot cast iron skillets.  Sort of a "chicken cooked under a brick" variant.  We've been getting the chickens from the vegetable box people, and they are spectacularly tasty.

Planked salmon.  We looooove planked salmon, especially with a bay caper mustard drizzle.  It is a good thing that one can use the planks for many more uses than the instructions indicate.

Excessively large cookies.  Pictured: lemon poppyseed.  Current: rye chocolate chip.

Colorful breakfast.  We have to keep up with the fruits from the Milk Pail produce box every week, after all!

Passionfruits.  These ones come off of the vine I planted a couple of years ago in the back yard; we've gotten hundreds of fruits this year.  Most of the time I use the pulp by tossing it into smoothies.

Lots of bread of various types.

Food fuels bike rides :)

And on bike rides, one finds turkeys.

One cannot hunt these turkeys, but they are bold, and everywhere.  I see them hiking too.  The few times Chad went into his office, he has reported the flock that inhabits the Ames campus has been growing exponentially.

Mmmm...turkey...Chad made turkey tamales for Thanksgiving.  We have been eating well.

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