Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 24 of our captivity: Hike

I got out of the house this morning, so I wouldn’t inadvertently make noise while Chad was on yet another telecom and the kid did a practice AP Lit exam.  It was overcast, but not raining, so I rode my bike over to a local park and went for a hike.

One thing we’ve noticed as everything slows down is that you can hear quite a bit of bird song.  I enjoyed my hike :)

It was decidedly odd to look down to the city below and notice that there were essentially no cars on the freeway.

A few wildflowers are peeking out.  I suspect there are more in other parks, but I am confining myself to places I can get to without driving.

An added surprise, on examining the abe picture at home, there are little teeny tiny droplets of water visible on each and every blade of grass.  Welcome to spring!

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