Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 43 of our captivity: April’s notion complete

Near the beginning of the month when I started hiking more, but didn’t really want to be driving unnecessarily, I had a notion.  Notions are dangerous, particularly when one has pent-up urges to plan adventures.  In this case, I realized when looking at a map that the top of Black Mountain is just about exactly 10 miles from our house.  And there was a reasonably direct route that didn’t seem like it would be too horrible on foot.  4 miles over to Rancho, then 6 miles through the park and up to the top.

On foot.  20 miles round trip.  Naturally, working up to this became the month’s oddball goal.  You may have noticed some walks of escalating length; those were preparation.

I set out this morning with the intention of doing a 16 mile loop, the next step in the progression, but it was so nice out that the call of the peak was inescapable.  So I did the whole out-and back to the summit.  Normally, it would have never occurred to me to walk to the summit from home.  Times now are decidedly not normal.

More pictures tomorrow, probably, while I contemplate what the next notion will be, as it was announced today that the local shelter-in-place has been extended through the end of May...

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