Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 33 of our captivity: 55 minutes

I goofed off yesterday.  Yay!  Today I had to procure food.  Ugh.  At least the line at Trader Joe’s, despite looking as long as it did few weeks ago when it took 90 minutes to get into the store, was rather a mere 55 minutes today. People are clearly spacing themselves further apart while waiting.  I went armed with earbuds and  podcasts to listen to while I was waiting.
One could go to Safeway and not have to wait as long, but at Safeway, many shelves are still bare.  Ditto with a couple of my other standby stores.  Trader Joe’s seems to have their supply chain figured out better, so it is worth the wait.  My only mishap was accidentally buying weird gluten-free crackers that were nefariously placed where the normal crackers go...  The major victory was scoring some baking powder, which we were running dangerously low of.  And I should be set for another week and a half before having to venture back.

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