Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Nimue sprained her foot yesterday at recess. The incident somehow involved a game of tag, a hole in the grass, and a multi-kid pileup. She's been remarkably cheery about the whole thing, despite not being able to walk on it. We're all hoping it heals up at least partially before we head out to Joshua Tree for spring break on Saturday!


eileen said...

Oh man! I *hurt* for poor Nimue's ankle! Especially since mine's still hurting too...

Di said...

Wow, it must be going around. I spent several hours at the urgent care center with Gillian last week after she sprained her foot. At least nothing was broken. And hers healed pretty fast. I tried to keep her off it, but you can imagine how well that went with a 4yo. She just limped around with her weight on her heel (she sprained it across the ball of her foot).