Monday, July 23, 2018

Catching Up

So I know I haven't put anything up since January... I think I just got tired of always feeling like I had to report everything.  Plus, it's a lot more fun to plan  and do stuff than to document it!  At any rate, there are a lot of vacation pictures backed up.  Before I get to those, here are a few pictures of things that happened between January and the end of school.

January (and constantly, really!)
Kid likes coffee drinks.  Homemade Frappuccino-like drinks are good as you don't have to put in all the sugar that you would get in the store.

Hiking amidst suspicious cows.

Got snowed on locally, hiking up Mt. Umunhum.

Mt Umunhum (in the distance) had a dusting of snow too.

Visited my parents to help after my mom's knee surgery.  They are both as goofy as ever!

Flight home went right over Umunhum, now with no snow.

Successfully caught enough wee beasties from the air to initiate a sourdough starter.  We've been eating lots of bread.

Cat was unusually acrobatic.

Discovered a new-to-me (and just opened!) mountain biking area in and around Calero County park on my birthday.  yay!

Kid had to make Japanese food as her homework.

Kiddo had two pieces on display at the high school district art show.

Kiddo continued to do art.

Kiddo had a flute ensemble recital.

Kid celebrated end of school with cake.

Not pictured are my concerts (joined a new group this year!), Chad's crazy travel schedule, various dinner parties, ski week (oddly didn't take pictures) and spring break (post yet to come).  Then we can move on to summer.

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