Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Summer miscellany

Aside from the vacation and activities mentioned earlier, summer has brought a few other things.

The usual too-many grapes and apricots (freezer is overflowing, and I've been fermenting soda from the grape juice), along with some tomatoes, peppers, and a couple of teeny tiny volunteer pumpkins that I didn't plant.

Beach trips with the kiddo.  The first of these was actually to go get her drivers permit, as the DMV in Capitola had appointments available several weeks before the nearby one did.  Poor Chad has been out of town for work enough that he missed these day trips.

Several weeks of kid gone to learn to be a leader/counselor at summer camp,

leading the group of kids who liked chickens.  Bok!  (Chicken pictured was actually part of a birthday card drawn for a friend.)

 More bike rides, with the now-strong kiddo.

And, of course, two fine excuses to make demented birthday cakes.  There were eyeballs down the sides of the first cake too -- one for each year, if you counted them all up.  It might be my favorite ever.

Kid likes cake!

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