Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 13 of our captivity: A visitor

A few weeks ago when rates dipped oddly low, we jumped on the opportunity to refinance our home loan.  As part of this process, an appraisal of the house was needed.  Pretty hard to do when everything was shut down a couple of days later...  Eventually, the ancillary businesses like appraisers, title companies, and notaries got clarification that they were "essential" and could still operate, but it was still pretty hard for the loan guy to find an appraiser willing to work in our area.  In the end he did, so we had the excitement today of greeting the appraiser, who was masked and gloved against what I've been calling the "plague world", and then opening doors so he could come in and take pictures of everything he needed for the appraisal without him having to actually touch anything.    All while maintaining the mandated 6-foot distance.  It took all of five minutes -- but oooh!---we had a visitor.

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