Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 37 of our captivity: Seasons

So we’ve all noticed that it is currently hard to keep track of days lately, but it occurred to me this morning that, looking around our yard, it may be confusing to figure out not just what day it is, but also what *season*.

Is is late winter?  There are ripe lemons on the tree.

Or maybe early spring, as evidenced by the tulip.

 Spring also seems likely given the rogue Easter egg in the neighborhood.  Come to think of it, maybe that lemon above was actually as Easter egg.

 Nascent grapes indicate early summer,

but a ripe strawberry suggests midsummer,

as do the bountiful roses.

But wait — the pumpkin is fall!

 And the poinsettia? Well, right back to winter.  I’m so confused.

The only thing one can do is declare “Cake Season”.  Chocolate solves everything.

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