Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Day 66 of our captivity: Big Basin

Chad and I had the chance to get out for a good ride this afternoon:  up, over the ridge through the soggy fog, down the other side, around 236 through Big Basin, back up the absurdly-steep-full-of-bike-eating-potholes China Grade, and back up and over now-sunny highway 9 to home.  Several observations:
1) The weather forecast always underestimates the magnitude of the soggy fog.  Trees make their own rain in the soggy fog.  Your bike shorts can be soaked through in the soggy fog, all while the forecast blithely says 70 degrees and sunny.
2) The road through Big Basin is always amazing, but often full of park traffic.  When the park is closed, all that is left is the amazing — an undulating twisty road weaving  through the giant redwoods.  It is a real pleasure to ride.
3) China Grade is as steep and potholed as I remembered.  I always think “The pavement must not be as bad as I remember”, and then it is.  The woods are still gorgeous though, and we like riding on roads that it feels like time forgot.
4) There are too many cars driving too fast on 9.  More than usual for a normal weekday.  Not that anything is normal at the moment.
5) 60 miles on a bike with 6500 feet of climbing followed by a large burger and a margarita makes for a fine day!

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