Friday, June 19, 2020

Beach day

Restrictions locally are starting to ease up a little, for better or worse, so the kid and I felt justified in driving over to the coast to take a hike yesterday.  I had never explored the salt marsh over by Pescadero, but knew there were a few trails, so off we went.  This entailed an earlier start than Kean prefers, as I wasn’t quite sure how much demand there would be for the limited parking that was open.

We arrived around 10, which was just about right, as the lot was empty when we arrived, but began to fill up as we got out of the car.  We found the trailhead down to the beach, and crossed under the freeway to find the marsh trail.

The trail was a bit overgrown in places, but was just delightful, filled with interesting plants and surrounded by bird song.  We even startled a couple of deer!  (Look closely and you will see one.)

The trail eventually ended at a slightly higher spot, which gave a nice view over the marsh.

 After crossing the marsh, we were able to skitter across highway 1 and walk back along the beach.  A fine outing!

(Though Chad was working and missed this one, he and I did get out for a most excellent 5 hour mountain bike ride along the ridge earlier in the week.)

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