Friday, June 19, 2020


There has been a pair of dumb dopey doves hanging around our back yard for the last month or so.  They spent seemingly forever looking for a place to nest.  On the lip of the awning?  Nope.  At an inch wide, too small.  On top of the grill?  Nope.  Too exposed. On the light fixture?  Nope.  Too slopey.  On the hangboard?  Nope.  Denizen of the house chases you off.   Watching doves look for a place to nest gives one the impression that they are not the brightest bulbs on the planet.

Eventually the doves seemed to disappear, until Chad noticed that they had found an actual good nesting spot in a hanging pot that has been mostly covered by the passion fruit vine.  I peeked in and saw a chick (accidentally giving them a fright, which they fortunately got over).

Given that Chad can see this part of the yard from his temporary office in the living room, he has been privy to lots of dove drama.  Squawking, feeding, playing dead on the patio to distract a crow attacking the nest. All quite entertaining.

The best part so far was today.  Chad observed the doves checking out the area near where the bike rack extension is sitting, and the he texted me to come look when they brought their fuzzy chick out to explore with them.  Cute!

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